OpenBoot 3.x Commands for Ultra Enterprise
22 May 2000
OpenBoot 3.x Commands
This article includes information about Solaris 2.5.1 OpenBoot 3.x
commands for the Ultra Enterprise 3000, 4000, 5000, and 6000.
Environmental Monitoring
Usage: disable-environmental-monitor ( -- )
Purpose: To stop monitoring power supply status, board temperatures,
and board hot plug while the screen displays the ok prompt.
Usage: enable-environmental-monitor ( -- )
Purpose: To start monitoring power supply status, board temperatures
and board hot plug while the screen displays the ok prompt.
Note - This is enabled by default.
Messages Indicating Environmental Conditions
PROM NOTICE: Overtemp detected on board <n.
PROM NOTICE: System has cooled down.
PROM WARNING: Board <n is too hot.
PROM NOTICE: Insufficient power detected.
PROM NOTICE: Power supply restored.
PROM NOTICE: Board insert detected.
PROM NOTICE: Reset Initiated...
If a board is too hot, then the PROM will initiate a reset resulting
in POST disabling the faulty board.
If Insufficient power detected is not fixed in 30 seconds, then the OBP
will also initiate a reset to allow POST to deconfigure the necessary
If a board insert is detected, the OBP will turn the reset flag on.
This will result in the boot command resetting the system and causing
POST to attach the board to the system.
Externally Initiated Reset XIR
If a hard hang occurs on a system, an XIR should be used to reset
and get information about the state at the time of the hard hang.
An XIR can be initiated by either using the XIR button on the clock
board or the remote console XIR sequence.
When an XIR occurs, memory is cleared but some CPU state is saved.
To display this XIR information, enter the following command at the ok
prompt immediately after the XIR:
This will display information similar to the following:
#1 ok .xir-state-all
TL=1 TT=3
TPC=e0028688 TnPC=e0028688 TSTATE=9900001e06
TL=1 TT=3
TPC=e002755c TnPC=e0027560 TSTATE=4477001e03
Note that an XIR does not override the NVRAM auto-boot? variable.
Flash PROM Management
Usage: flash-update-system ( -- )
Purpose: To download the default flash images on all the boards
in the system.
Note: The default device used is the one pointed to by `net'.
The default image names are:
Board Type Image File Name
cpu board PROMs: cpu.flash
I/O board Type 1: io2sbus.flash
I/O board Type 2: io1sbus.flash
Note - This command does not update boards in low power mode.
Usage: prom-copy ( src dst -- )
Purpose: To copy a flash PROM from board 'src' to board 'dst'.
Usage: update-proms ( -- )
Purpose: To sync up the latest copy of each type of PROM on all other
boards of the same type.
This command copies the latest version of each type of PROM (CPU and
I/O boards) to all other boards of the same type. This will result in
all boards of the same type having the latest (same) PROM.
POST Status Display
Usage: show-post-results ( -- )
Purpose: To display POST results at the ok prompt.
ok show-post-results
Slot 0 - Status=Okay, Type: CPU/Memory
Cpu0=P Cpu0-OK=P FailCode=0 Cpu1=Not x x
AC=P FHC=P SRAM=P PROM=P LabCon=Not Ovtemp=Not
Bank0=0 Bank1=0 DTag0=P DTag1=P JTAG=P CntrPl=P
Slot 1 - Status=Okay, Type: IO board Type 1
Sysio0=P Sysio1=P FEPS=P FEPSFC=0 SOC=P
Sbus0=P Sbus1=P Sbus2=P
AC=P FHC=P SRAM=*** PROM=P LabCon=Not Ovtemp=Not
Slot 3 - Status=Okay, Type: IO board Type 2
Sbus0=P Sbus2=P
AC=P FHC=P SRAM=*** PROM=P LabCon=Not Ovtemp=Not
Slot 6 - Status=Low Power Mode, Type: IO board Type 1
Sysio0=P Sysio1=P FEPS=P FEPSFC=0 SOC=P
Sbus0=P Sbus1=P Sbus2=P
AC=P FHC=P SRAM=*** PROM=P LabCon=Not Ovtemp=Not
Slot 16 - Status=Fail, Type: Clock
Clock=P Serial=P KbdMse=P PPS-DC=P DCReg0=P DCReg1=P
AC=P ACFan=P KeyFan=P PSFail=0 Ovtemp=Not TODC=P RKFan=P
P = Present or Passed
*** = Failed Component
Not = Not present
CPU/Memory Board
Cpu0/Cpu1 CPU modules on the board
CPU{0,1}-OK CPU module status
FailCode Failure code (valid only if CPU failed)
FHC Fire Hose Controller
FHC Fire Hose Controller
LabCon Lab Console
Ovtemp Overtemp
Bank0 Bank0 status (a bit indicates a missing or failed SIMM)
Bank1 Bank1 status (a bit indicates a missing or failed SIMM)
DTag0 DTags0 status
DTag1 DTags1 status
JTAG Jtag status
CntrPl Centerplane status
DC Data Controllers (0 bit indicates a failed DC)
I/O Board
Sysio0 SysIO 0 status
Sysio1 SysIO 1 status
FEPS Onboard FEPS chip
FEPSFC FEPS fail code (valid only if failed)
SOC Onboard SOC status
FFB FFB card status
Sbus0 SBus0 slot status
Sbus1 SBus1 slot status
Sbus2 SBus2 slot status
AC Address Controller
FHC Fire Hose Controller
LabCon Lab Console
Ovtemp Overtemp
TODC Time of Day Clock
JTAG JTAG status
CntrPl Centerplane status
DC Data Controllers (0 bit indicates a failed DC)
Disk Board
Disk0 Disk0 ID (valid only if disk present)
Disk1 Disk1 ID (valid only if disk present)
Disk0P Disk0 Present
Disk1P Disk1 Present
Fan Fan Fail status
JTAG JTAG status
Clock Board
Clock Clock running
Serial Serial Port
KBytes Keyboard Mouse status
PPS-DC Peripheral PS ok (all DC levels OK)
AC AC power status
ACFan AC box fan status
KeyFan KeySwitch fan status
PSFail Power Supply fail status
(bit position indicates which ps failure)
Ovtemp Overtemp
TODC Time of Day Clock
V5-P Peripheral 5V
V12-P Peripheral 12V
V5-Aux Auxilary 5V
V5P-PC Peripheral 5V Precharge
V12-PC Peripheral 12V Precharge
V3-PC System 3.3V Precharge
V5-PC System 5.0V Precharge
RKFan Rack Fan Status
3.3V Clock board 3.3 V
5.0V Clock board 5.0 V
TODC Management
TODC is the acronym for Time Of Day Clock (this includes the NVRAM).
Usage: copy-clock-tod-to-io-boards
Purpose: To copy the contents of the clock board NVRAM and the contents
of the TOD clock to all good I/O boards in the system.
Note: This is automatic if all the conditions below are true:
1. There is a functioning clock board in the system.
2. Its contents match that of at least one I/O board in the system.
Usage: x copy-io-board-tod-to-clock-tod
Where x = slot number of I/O board
Purpose: To update the contents of a clock board (probably new) with
the contents from one of the backup I/O board copies.
Note - This may have to be done if the clock board was replaced and
the user wants to restore its original NVRAM.
Ultra Enterprise 3000-, 4000-, 5000-, 6000-Specific NVRAM Variables
This variable determines the configuration policy. When a faulty
component is detected, the value options are:
component (default) Disable only what failed
system Stop the system in POST if any component failed tests.
board Disable the entire board containing failed component.
Note - The master board (CPU board in the lowest slot) will not be
disabled if it is put in the disabled-board-list. The OS will print a
warning as follows: WARNING: Disabled board 0 was really active
A list of boards which are not to be used by the system. These boards
are put in low power mode on the next reset and remain there until they
are removed from this list on the following reset.
A list of boards with memories to be unused.
For both of the above variables, the list is a sequence of any number of
boards 0 thru 9 and a thru f.
A valid example would be:
setenv disabled-board-list 45 (disable boards in slot 4 and 5)
setenv disabled-board-list 7af (disable boards in slot 7, 10 and 15)
To reset a list to null, enter the following at the ok prompt:
ok set-default disabled-board-list
ok set-default disabled-memory-list
These variables take effect on the next reset or power-on.
Variable Name Value Default Value
memory-interleave max max
This variable determines how the memory on various boards is to be
interleaved. The default value is maximum interleaving. When set to
"min", no interleaving is required. This takes effect on the next reset
or power-on.
Variable Name Value
sbus-probe-default d3120
This variable defines the SBus device probe order on an I/O board per SBus,
d = On-board SOC
3 = On-board FEPS
0-2 = SBus slots 0, 1, and 2
The 'device' probe order on a Type 1 I/O board will appear as follows,
since the five SBus devices are divided between two SBuses:
lo sbus d, 1, 2
hi sbus 3,0
However, on a Type 2 I/O board, since there is only 1 SBus, the probe
order will be:
lo sbus absent (UPA/FFB Port in its place)
hi sbus d, 3, 2, 0 (no slot 1)
To change the default probe order to `123d0', enter the following at
the ok prompt:
> setenv sbus-probe-default 123d0
Remember that this changes the default probe order for all boards in the
system. You can also use this to skip over an SBus slot, but don't
include it in the list of devices to probe. To change the probe order
for a specific board, use the sbus-specific-probe variable.
Variable Name Value Default Value
sbus-specific-probe 1:d120
This variable controls the SBus probe order on a given list of boards.
To set the probe order as 320 on I/O board 4, enter the following at
the ok prompt:
> setenv sbus-specific-probe 4:320
The number preceding the `:' is the slot number; the numbers following
it are the SBus device numbers in the desired probe order. All unlisted
I/O boards in the system will use the default probe order as defined by
the sbus- default-probe NVRAM variable.
Multiple boards can be defined by this variable as follows:
> setenv sbus-specific-probe 4:320 6:d3210 7:0123d
Applies To
Operating Systems/Solaris/Solaris 2.x
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