  Character Set 조회

SQL> select * from nls_database_parameters;

PARAMETER                            VALUE
------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------
NLS_LANGUAGE                       AMERICAN
NLS_TERRITORY                      AMERICA
NLS_CURRENCY                      $
NLS_CHARACTERSET               KO16KSC5601
NLS_CALENDAR                      GREGORIAN
NLS_DATE_FORMAT                DD-MON-RR
NLS_SORT                              BINARY
NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY              $
NLS_COMP                              BINARY

Control File 조회
SQL> select name from v$controlfile;

user별 object 조회
SQL> select owner, object_type, count(*) from dba_objects
     where object_type in ('TABLE', 'INDEX', 'VIEW', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION')
     group by owner, object_type
     order by 1, 2;
OWNER                          OBJECT_TYPE      COUNT(*)
---------------------  ------------------  ----------
ADMIT                            INDEX                      72
ADMIT                           TABLE                       73
BIZMAX                          INDEX                       2
BIZMAX                          TABLE                       2
CDL                               INDEX                       90
CDL                              TABLE                       73
CDL                              VIEW                         10
CTXSYS                         INDEX                      38
CTXSYS                         PROCEDURE              1
CTXSYS                         TABLE                      29
CTXSYS                         VIEW                       35
EDUGRAD                       INDEX                       7
EDUGRAD                      TABLE                       7
FRIEND                         TABLE                       1
IAS                                INDEX                       9
IAS                              TABLE                       9
IPSI                              INDEX                       69
IPSI                              TABLE                      56
KOREA                          INDEX                      15
KOREA                          TABLE                      55
KRBIZ                          INDEX                       348
KRBIZ                          TABLE                       229
KRBIZ                          VIEW                         1
KUPR                           INDEX                       7
KUPR                         TABLE                       6
NOTICE                       INDEX                      23
NOTICE                      TABLE                      31
ORANGE                      FUNCTION                9
ORANGE                      INDEX                       4
ORANGE                      TABLE                       6
ORANGE                      VIEW                       39
ORS                            FUNCTION                 7
ORS                            INDEX                      57
ORS                            PROCEDURE              2
ORS                            TABLE                      49
ORS                            VIEW                        1
OUTLN                          INDEX                    3
OUTLN                         TABLE                     2
PERSON                       INDEX                     6
PERSON                       TABLE                    6
RNDCARD                     TABLE                    1
RNDCARD                     VIEW                       1
SCOTT                        INDEX                       2
SCOTT                       TABLE                      4
SYS                            FUNCTION                23
SYS                            INDEX                     218
SYS                            PROCEDURE             10
SYS                            TABLE                     197
SYS                            VIEW                      1420
SYSTEM                     INDEX                     23
SYSTEM                     TABLE                     23
SYSTEM                     VIEW                        3
WIZARD                      INDEX                       47
WIZARD                      TABLE                      53
54 rows selected.

Datafile Size 조회
SQL> select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 from dba_data_files;

SQL> select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 from dba_segments;

user별 tablespace 조회
SQL> select username, default_tablespace, temporary_tablespace from dba_users
     where username not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM');
USERNAME                                   DEFAULT_TABLESPACE             TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE
-----------------------------\- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
TRACESVR                       SYSTEM                         SYSTEM
OUTLN                          SYSTEM                         SYSTEM
ORS                            TS_ORS01                       TS_ORSTEMP01
$UNAUTHENTICATED     SYSTEM                         SYSTEM
NOTICE                         TS_NOT01                       TS_NOTTEMP01
FRIEND                         TS_FRI01                       TS_FRITEMP01
ORANGE                         TOOLS                          TEMP
IPSI                           TS_EEX01                       TS_EEXTEMP01
KOREA                          TS_FRI01                       TS_FRITEMP01
RNDCARD                        TS_FRI01                       TS_FRITEMP01
SMBSUPP                        TS_FRI01                       TS_FRITEMP01
ADMIT                          TS_EEX02                       TS_EEXTEMP02
KRBIZ                          TS_KRB01                       TS_NOTTEMP01
CTXSYS                         TS_CTX01                       TS_NOTTEMP01
JONES                          SYSTEM                         SYSTEM
BIZMAX                         TOOLS                          TEMP
DBSNMP                         SYSTEM                         SYSTEM
PERSON                         TS_PER01                       TS_NOTTEMP01
SCOTT                          SYSTEM                         SYSTEM
ADAMS                          SYSTEM                         SYSTEM
CLARK                          SYSTEM                         SYSTEM
BLAKE                          SYSTEM                         SYSTEM
CDL                            TS_CDL01                       TS_CDLTEMP01
EDUGRAD                        TS_EDU01                       TS_EDUTEMP01
KUPR                           TS_KUPR01                      TS_NOTTEMP01
WIZARD                         TS_WIZ01                       TS_NOTTEMP01
IAS                            TS_IAS01                       TS_NOTTEMP01
IACF                           TS_KRB01                       TS_NOTTEMP01
28 rows selected.

user 및 user priviedge 조회, 생성
select 'CREATE USER ' || username || ' IDENTIFIED BY ' || username ||
' DEFAULT TABLESPACE ' || default_tablespace ||
' TEMPORARY TABLESPACE ' || temporary_tablespace ||';'
from dba_users
where username not in ('SYS','SYSTEM');

 create user TRACESVR identified by TRACESVR default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace SYSTEM;
 create user OUTLN identified by OUTLN default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace SYSTEM;
 create user ORS identified by ORS default tablespace TS_ORS01 temporary tablespace TS_ORSTEMP01;
 create user AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED identified by AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace SYSTEM;
 create user NOTICE identified by NOTICE default tablespace TS_NOT01 temporary tablespace TS_NOTTEMP01;
 create user FRIEND identified by FRIEND default tablespace TS_FRI01 temporary tablespace TS_FRITEMP01;
 create user ORANGE identified by ORANGE default tablespace TOOLS temporary tablespace TEMP;
 create user IPSI identified by IPSI default tablespace TS_EEX01 temporary tablespace TS_EEXTEMP01;
 create user KOREA identified by KOREA default tablespace TS_FRI01 temporary tablespace TS_FRITEMP01;
 create user RNDCARD identified by RNDCARD default tablespace TS_FRI01 temporary tablespace TS_FRITEMP01;
 create user SMBSUPP identified by SMBSUPP default tablespace TS_FRI01 temporary tablespace TS_FRITEMP01;
 create user ADMIT identified by ADMIT default tablespace TS_EEX02 temporary tablespace TS_EEXTEMP02;
 create user KRBIZ identified by KRBIZ default tablespace TS_KRB01 temporary tablespace TS_NOTTEMP01;
 create user CTXSYS identified by CTXSYS default tablespace TS_CTX01 temporary tablespace TS_NOTTEMP01;
 create user JONES identified by JONES default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace SYSTEM;
 create user BIZMAX identified by BIZMAX default tablespace TOOLS temporary tablespace TEMP;
 create user DBSNMP identified by DBSNMP default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace SYSTEM;
 create user PERSON identified by PERSON default tablespace TS_PER01 temporary tablespace TS_NOTTEMP01;
 create user SCOTT identified by SCOTT default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace SYSTEM;
 create user ADAMS identified by ADAMS default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace SYSTEM;
 create user CLARK identified by CLARK default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace SYSTEM;
 create user BLAKE identified by BLAKE default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace SYSTEM;
 create user CDL identified by CDL default tablespace TS_CDL01 temporary tablespace TS_CDLTEMP01;
 create user EDUGRAD identified by EDUGRAD default tablespace TS_EDU01 temporary tablespace TS_EDUTEMP01;
 create user KUPR identified by KUPR default tablespace TS_KUPR01 temporary tablespace TS_NOTTEMP01;
 create user WIZARD identified by WIZARD default tablespace TS_WIZ01 temporary tablespace TS_NOTTEMP01;
 create user IAS identified by IAS default tablespace TS_IAS01 temporary tablespace TS_NOTTEMP01;
 create user IACF identified by IACF default tablespace TS_KRB01 temporary tablespace TS_NOTTEMP01;
28 rows selected.

SQL> select ' grant connect, resource to ' || username ||';'
     from dba_users
     where username not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM');
 grant connect, resource to TRACESVR;
 grant connect, resource to OUTLN;
 grant connect, resource to ORS;
 grant connect, resource to AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED;
 grant connect, resource to NOTICE;
 grant connect, resource to FRIEND;
 grant connect, resource to ORANGE;
 grant connect, resource to IPSI;
 grant connect, resource to KOREA;
 grant connect, resource to RNDCARD;
 grant connect, resource to SMBSUPP;
 grant connect, resource to ADMIT;
 grant connect, resource to KRBIZ;
 grant connect, resource to CTXSYS;
 grant connect, resource to JONES;
 grant connect, resource to BIZMAX;
 grant connect, resource to DBSNMP;
 grant connect, resource to PERSON;
 grant connect, resource to SCOTT;
 grant connect, resource to ADAMS;
 grant connect, resource to CLARK;
 grant connect, resource to BLAKE;
 grant connect, resource to CDL;
 grant connect, resource to EDUGRAD;
 grant connect, resource to KUPR;
 grant connect, resource to WIZARD;
 grant connect, resource to IAS;
 grant connect, resource to IACF;
28 rows selected.

Tablespace Size 조회
SQL> select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024  || 'M' as MBYTES
     from dba_data_files
     group by tablespace_name
     order by 1;

--------------------- -----------------------------------------
INDX                           100M
IX_CDL01                       300M
IX_EDU01                       100M
IX_EEX01                       500M
IX_EEX02                       100M
IX_FRI01                       100M
IX_IAS01                       50M
IX_KRB01                       500M
IX_KUPR01                      100M
IX_NOT01                       100M
IX_ORS01                       500M
IX_PER01                       200M
IX_WIZ01                       30M
RBS                            2516M
SYSTEM                         300M
TEMP                           500M
TOOLS                          50M
TS_CDL01                       1000M
TS_CTX01                       50M
TS_EDU01                       200M
TS_EEX01                       1500M
TS_EEX02                       1500M
TS_EEXTEMP01                   500M
TS_EEXTEMP02                   500M
TS_FRI01                       300M
TS_FRITEMP01                   1000M
TS_IAS01                       100M
TS_KRB01                       3200M
TS_KUPR01                      200M
TS_NOT01                       300M
TS_NOTTEMP01                   1500M
TS_ORS01                       1000M
TS_ORSTEMP01                   500M
TS_PER01                       500M
TS_WIZ01                       100M
USERS                          150M
36 rows selected.

datafile이 두개 이상인 Tablespace 조회
SQL> select tablespace_name , count(*)
     from dba_data_files
     having count(*)>1
     group by tablespace_name
     order by 1;

--------------------- ----------
RBS                                 3
TS_KRB01                         3
SQL> select tablespace_name, file_name, bytes/1024/1024 || 'M' as MBYTES
     from dba_data_files
     where tablespace_name in ('RBS')
     order by 1;
TABLESPACE_NAME  FILE_NAME                                        MBYTES
---------------- ---------------------------------------  --------------RBS              /oracle/app/oracle/oradata/WWW/rbs01.dbf      516M
RBS              /WWW/Data/rbs2.dbf                                       1000M
RBS              /WWW/Index/rbs3.dbf                                      1000M

SQL> select tablespace_name, file_name, bytes/1024/1024 || 'M' as MBYTES
     from dba_data_files
     where tablespace_name in ('TS_KRB01')
     order by 1;
TABLESPACE_NAME  FILE_NAME                                  MBYTES
---------------- -----------------------------------  -------------TS_KRB01         /WWW/Data/ts_krb01.dbf                        1200M
TS_KRB01         /WWW/Data/ts_krb02.dbf                        1500M
TS_KRB01         /WWW/Data/ts_krb03.dbf                        500M

Create Tablespace SQL Query Statement 작성
SQL> set lines 200
SQL> set pages 200
SQL> col file_name for a50
SQL> col tablespace_name for a20
SQL> col Mbytes for a20
SQL> spool create_tablespace.sql
SQL> set echo off;
SQL> set heading off;
SQL> select ' create tablespace ' || tablespace_name ||
     ' datafile ''' || file_name || ''' size ' || bytes/1024/1024 || 'M autoextend off; '
     from dba_data_files
     where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM', 'USER', 'RBS', 'TOOLS', 'TEMP')
     and tablespace_name not like '%TMP%'
     and tablespace_name not like '%TEMP%';
 create tablespace USERS datafile '/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/WWW/users01.dbf' size 150M autoextend off;
 create tablespace INDX datafile '/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/WWW/indx01.dbf' size 100M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_NOT01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_not02.dbf' size 300M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_NOT01 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_not01.dbf' size 100M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_FRI01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_fri02.dbf' size 300M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_FRI01 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_fri01.dbf' size 100M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_ORS01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_ors01.dbf' size 1000M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_ORS01 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_ors01.dbf' size 500M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_EEX01 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_eex01.dbf' size 500M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_EEX01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_eex02.dbf' size 1500M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_EEX02 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_eex04.dbf' size 1500M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_EEX02 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_eex02.dbf' size 100M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_KRB01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_krb01.dbf' size 1200M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_KRB01 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_krb01.dbf' size 500M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_CTX01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_ctx01.dbf' size 50M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_PER01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_per01.dbf' size 500M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_PER01 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_per01.dbf' size 200M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_KRB01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_krb02.dbf' size 1500M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_CDL01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_cdl01.dbf' size 1000M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_CDL01 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_cdl01.dbf' size 300M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_EDU01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_edu01.dbf' size 200M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_EDU01 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_edu01.dbf' size 100M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_KUPR01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_kupr01.dbf' size 200M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_KUPR01 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_kupr01.dbf' size 100M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_WIZ01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_wiz01.dbf' size 100M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_WIZ01 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_wiz01.dbf' size 30M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_IAS01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_ias01.dbf' size 100M autoextend off;
 create tablespace IX_IAS01 datafile '/WWW/Index/ix_ias01.dbf' size 50M autoextend off;
 create tablespace TS_KRB01 datafile '/WWW/Data/ts_krb03.dbf' size 500M autoextend off;
29 rows selected.
SQL> spool off;

Create Temporary Tablespace SQL Query Statement 작성
SQL> set pages 200
SQL> set lines 200
SQL> col file_name for a50
SQL> col tablespace_name for a20
SQL> col Mbytes for a20
SQL> spool create_temp_tablespace.sql
SQL> set echo off;
SQL> set heading off;
SQL> select ' create temporary tablespace ' || tablespace_name ||
     ' tempfile ''' || file_name || ''' size ' || bytes/1024/1024 || 'M autoextensible off; '
     from dba_data_files
     where tablespace_name like '%TMP%'
     or tablespace_name like '%TEMP%';
 create temporary tablespace TEMP tempfile '/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/WWW/temp01.dbf' size 500M autoextensible off;
 create temporary tablespace TS_NOTTEMP01 tempfile '/WWW/Data/ts_not01.dbf' size 1500M autoextensible off;
 create temporary tablespace TS_FRITEMP01 tempfile '/WWW/Data/ts_fri01.dbf' size 1000M autoextensible off;
 create temporary tablespace TS_ORSTEMP01 tempfile '/WWW/Data/ts_orstemp01.dbf' size 500M autoextensible off;
 create temporary tablespace TS_EEXTEMP01 tempfile '/WWW/Data/ts_eex01.dbf' size 500M autoextensible off;
 create temporary tablespace TS_EEXTEMP02 tempfile '/WWW/Data/ts_eex03.dbf' size 500M autoextensible off;

6 rows selected.
SQL> spool off;

Import Script 작성
SQL> set pages 200
SQL> set lines 200
SQL> col file_name for a50
SQL> col tablespace_name for a20
SQL> col Mbytes for a20
SQL> spool import_user.sh
SQL> set echo off;
SQL> set heading off;
SQL> select 'imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=' || username ||
  2  ' touser=' || username || ' log=' || username || '.log'
  3  from dba_users
  4  where username not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM');
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=TRACESVR touser=TRACESVR log=TRACESVR.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=OUTLN touser=OUTLN log=OUTLN.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=ORS touser=ORS log=ORS.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED touser=AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED log=AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=NOTICE touser=NOTICE log=NOTICE.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=FRIEND touser=FRIEND log=FRIEND.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=ORANGE touser=ORANGE log=ORANGE.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=IPSI touser=IPSI log=IPSI.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=KOREA touser=KOREA log=KOREA.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=RNDCARD touser=RNDCARD log=RNDCARD.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=SMBSUPP touser=SMBSUPP log=SMBSUPP.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=ADMIT touser=ADMIT log=ADMIT.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=KRBIZ touser=KRBIZ log=KRBIZ.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=CTXSYS touser=CTXSYS log=CTXSYS.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=JONES touser=JONES log=JONES.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=BIZMAX touser=BIZMAX log=BIZMAX.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=DBSNMP touser=DBSNMP log=DBSNMP.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=PERSON touser=PERSON log=PERSON.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=SCOTT touser=SCOTT log=SCOTT.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=ADAMS touser=ADAMS log=ADAMS.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=CLARK touser=CLARK log=CLARK.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=BLAKE touser=BLAKE log=BLAKE.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=CDL touser=CDL log=CDL.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=EDUGRAD touser=EDUGRAD log=EDUGRAD.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=KUPR touser=KUPR log=KUPR.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=WIZARD touser=WIZARD log=WIZARD.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=IAS touser=IAS log=IAS.log
imp system/manager file= filesize=6000m rows=y fromuser=IACF touser=IACF log=IACF.log
28 rows selected.
SQL> spool off;

user별 object 조회
SQL>col object_name format a25;
SQL>SELECT object_name, object_type
        FROM user_objects
        WHERE object_type = 'INDEX';
------------------------- ------------------
BIANRY_PK                           INDEX
BINARY_FK                           INDEX
BOARD_FK1                         INDEX
BOARD_PK                          INDEX
27개의 행이 선택되었습니다.    
object_type 조회
SQL>SELECT object_type
       FROM user_objects
       GROUP BY object_type;

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